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  1. Community Achievement is now live!

    By now, some of you should have received numerous reward points emails telling you that you have received additional points based on the achievements that your account has accomplished.


    Let us know what you think of the achievement system

  2. Opinions on a "tags" function.

    Many porn sites include a function to be able to search by certain tags. I personally feel like this would be a great way to improve the search function of this site while being not that hard to implement.

  3. BSG General OnaHole Guide

    05/04/2024 1.0 Start
    05/06/2024 1.1 Fixed a few typos, reworded a few sentences, added more to history listing other toys that I bought before returning to the states, added new section “How I R

  4. What's the Most Realistic Anal Onahole? + My Experiences

    What's the most realistic anal toy? I have not experienced the real deal and my current partner does not want to experience it (completely understandable). From the reddit posts I've browsed, there is

  5. Unable to leave review for a product I have.

    I ordered "Beast Kingdom Horny Tiger Hard" and I got it yesterday. I'm trying to leave my review (its not a bad way to spend an early morning I'd say), I even have photos this time to boost my explanation.