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  1. Feature Request: Wish List Sorting Options

    I imagine this is something that the TD team has already looked into, but I wanted to directly ask about wish list sorting options. With the direction the community aspects are going and the 8 product

  2. Free Shipping sucks!?!? What's your experience?

    So someone emailed and asked if we pack Free Shipping orders differently because they read somewhere that ToyDemon's Free Shipping orders are often packed with less material and not discreet at all.

  3. Deciding between a mini hip and need help

    I’ve purchased the ZXY and La Bocca Della Verita and am looking for a more elevated experience with a mini hip. I happen to be an ass enjoyer. I have settled my decision between two mini hips and am l

  4. How does "4 Reviews Per Day" work?

    Copy pasted from the perk description of review points "Limited up to 4 Reviews/Day for max of 400 points."

    I had a crate of 12 toys arrive last week and figured the weekend would be a great

  5. Scams, Fleshlights, sex dolls, and how I realized I should've just started here.

    This is mostly just me ranting, but with a few words of caution for anyone casually browsing this site.

    My History:
    Years ago I got a few fleshlights. I never liked them much, once