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  1. My first onahole recommendations


    I just found this site, and I’m looking for the most realistic vaginal onahole brand and model. I’ve read on other sites that Magic Eyes is the most realistic, but they don’t seem very

  2. Looking for hard tight onaholes with good friction and stimulation

    Hello, looking for some community help regarding the title. I am a little over 6 inches, but I like my onaholes on the smaller / tighter side due to personal fetishes. I prefer the penetrative interior

  3. Onahole series, do you collect them all?

    Not sure if it's the collector's mentality in me but whenever I browse through onahole sites and see a product that i like and find out there is a series of them I tend to want to get all of them. Like

  4. The 4th of July sale is only good if you spend a lot of money

    The fact is, unless you are going to spend more than 200 USD, the sale is not really worth it. 10% of 50 USD is 5 USD, and at that point you might as well save the code option and use the free shipping

  5. Onahole History?

    This is meant to be more of a discussion starter than a declarative post about Onahole history.

    I was idly thinking about what it must be like to work for one of these onahole companies.