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  1. Recommendations for best 400g or bigger onahole(s) for controllable stimulation (edging)

    In your opinion, what is the best you have ever tried that your able to edge without blowing your load or getting over sensitive. I don't want a fleshlight, tomax, or the smaller cheap ones (only exception

  2. Manufacturing and pricing: How & what

    I'm often curious how many of these products are made and how they come up with the pricing of these. Isn't anyone else? From idea to design to quality control (hopefully!) and finally the pricing (by

  3. Brand Link for NOTOWA? + Underrated Brands

    Does NOTOWA have enough products to have a link to all their products? It's the only brand I can see that doesn't have it.

    On a related note, after some digging on the site I believe that

  4. Recommended Onahole for Meiki Plush Evo

    Hi All,

    I recently purchased an Evo and wanted to see which onahole others have been using. I have an older Fleshlight STU but the case doesn't fit well in the Evo (didn't really want to

  5. X-Lube- Any seasoned users on onas? Questions etc. Also, anyone that has removed smells from a toy.

    For those unfamiliar X-Lube comes to you as a dry powder and you then take the powder and create the lube of your preference. You can make it nearly water thin or so thick it's crazy and almost anything