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  1. Scams, Fleshlights, sex dolls, and how I realized I should've just started here.

    This is mostly just me ranting, but with a few words of caution for anyone casually browsing this site.

    My History:
    Years ago I got a few fleshlights. I never liked them much, once

  2. Media Company Wanting To Work With ToyDemon -> New Larger Meiki Dolls + Different Colors ++++++

    Presenting the idea of a larger Meiki Doll with a bigger butt and chest. I run a media company(new) full time and would love to present this idea and see if we could gather enough of a following to bring

  3. Community Giveaway #15: Meiki Plush of Choice for 3 Winners! "Masturbation during COVID?"

    Some of you may have noticed that the Community Giveaway has been on a hiatus just like Hunter x Hunter (Our favorite anime) but the wait is finally over! The Giveaway is now back like Monster Hunter Rise!

  4. I swear the sales are getting shorter and shorter.

    I get that Christmas was last weekend and no body is going to be working but damn. The sale didn't even last until Friday(pay day). I was hoping to finally be able to get a good deal on the plush dolls

  5. Plush dolls and onahole mounts in general.

    I'm curious is there any chance of a plush with smaller boobs or even more like pecs? A-One apparently made a male Venus doll but that was back in 2013 and I can only find one in the whole of the internet