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  1. I wish we could update reviews. Or...can we update reviews?

    After spending another session or 2 with some of my sleeves, I regret some of the reviews I gave initially. In particular the Mao-Man Real Hole Onahole. My subsequent sessions were a mixture of frustration

  2. A10 Piston Basic

    Oh great, finally the poor-person version of the much-drooled-over piston sa!

    From what I learned:
    1. All A10 Piston SA sleeves are compatible with the Basic.

  3. Meiki No Syoumei

    Having recently discovered Onaholes, I am trying to do a little catching up. I have found that I am a big fan of the NPG line I mentioned in the title (shocker, I know.) To this end, I have endeavored

  4. I’m hoping for more cute puni style hips and or sleeves (but not too tight)

    I purchased and really like the Fuwa Fuwa Rori Ero Gakuen so I’d like to see more like that or even like the Punipuni Bomber Soft.

    Who’s with me? :)

    Thanks toydemon for sel

  5. Everythings out of stock..

    oh man right when i run out of lube too lol...
    I get it that there's shipping congestion and all that, but when can we expect an eta on a mass restock?
    there are some sleeves available that