oh man right when i run out of lube too lol...
I get it that there's shipping congestion and all that, but when can we expect an eta on a mass restock?
there are some sleeves available that im willing to buy right now, but no lotions to go with it!
I get it that there's shipping congestion and all that, but when can we expect an eta on a mass restock?
there are some sleeves available that im willing to buy right now, but no lotions to go with it!
**ToyDemon** ( 10229 )

@cray We feel your pain, our customer service feel your pain. We get asked constantly when things are back in stock. And we really don't have a definite answer for you. For example, we have a full container worth of products from NPG that we ordered in December of 2020. It took NPG about 6 weeks to finally get all the products ready. By then, there was a shortage of containers leaving Japan so it was delayed 2-3 more week until we can find space to get it out of Japan. The container finally arrived Long Beach around late March, and we have been waiting all this time for it to be put on rail towards Chicago which takes about a week. To this day, we still have no idea when it'll be put on a rail towards Chicago. We are hoping by early May, but we can't promise anything and that's why we stopped putting the dates under the Notify Me button, because there's no set date.
Just for a point of reference if this was ordered in December 2018, instead of December 2020, we would have gotten the products around early to mid March.
Now this is just NPG shipment we are talking about here, we also have ToysHeart, HotPowers, MagicEyes, EXE and many others basically in the same situation (a lot of these are already on the west coast just waiting to be moved to Chicago).
So really we are hoping by early May it'll be here, but again at the beginning of April, we thought all these shipments would be here by now, yet it is still stuck on the west coast.
Just for a point of reference if this was ordered in December 2018, instead of December 2020, we would have gotten the products around early to mid March.
Now this is just NPG shipment we are talking about here, we also have ToysHeart, HotPowers, MagicEyes, EXE and many others basically in the same situation (a lot of these are already on the west coast just waiting to be moved to Chicago).
So really we are hoping by early May it'll be here, but again at the beginning of April, we thought all these shipments would be here by now, yet it is still stuck on the west coast.
BogeyB ( 38 )

I live on the West Coast, I'm about to go out to a shipping yard in Long Beach and kick somebody in the ass. It probably won't make sense though because it's unlikely that I'll be at the correct one.
I'm one of the folks who've already contacted you guys regarding stock on my next bigger purchase, and I'll admit that I've had to talk myself out of contacting you about it again too soon, to ask if it slipped by me. Every time I contact you guys like so, I feel bad that I might be wasting your time having you respond to an inquiry that you've already taken the effort to address somewhere else. I was gonna hold myself back for another week before I bugged you folks again, but maybe I can push it to a few weeks before I cave in and ask once more.
In any case, I'm sure I speak for many others when I say thank you guys very much for being so transparent about the shipping situations. I certainly appreciate it!
I live on the West Coast, I'm about to go out to a shipping yard in Long Beach and kick somebody in the ass. It probably won't make sense though because it's unlikely that I'll be at the correct one.
I'm one of the folks who've already contacted you guys regarding stock on my next bigger purchase, and I'll admit that I've had to talk myself out of contacting you about it again too soon, to ask if it slipped by me. Every time I contact you guys like so, I feel bad that I might be wasting your time having you respond to an inquiry that you've already taken the effort to address somewhere else. I was gonna hold myself back for another week before I bugged you folks again, but maybe I can push it to a few weeks before I cave in and ask once more.
In any case, I'm sure I speak for many others when I say thank you guys very much for being so transparent about the shipping situations. I certainly appreciate it!
**ToyDemon** ( 10229 )

@BogeyB don’t worry about it, if you got questions just ask away, we will do our best to help.
In terms of trying to know when something will be back, based on what I know of our system and procedures:
1. Use the notify me button. Sign yourself up for a email notification.
2. From time to time, check if there’s is a date under the notify me button. Our system works somewhat automatically. In my example above, as soon as we get the info that the container is on the rail to us, we will set a date to estimate the in stock date (usually 7-10 days).
Previously we used to just use a general 6-8 week estimate as that really was how long it took by default for ocean shipments. However, as you can see that estimate has been way off and we have gotten many complaints. That’s why we took backorder off the table and made sure only to put in a date once we confirm that shipment is moving from the west coast.
Once you see a date, that means it should be in stock soon. Then I would suggest order as fast as you can once you get the in stock notification because depending on the item we might not have enough due to the shortage.
Hope that helps.
In terms of trying to know when something will be back, based on what I know of our system and procedures:
1. Use the notify me button. Sign yourself up for a email notification.
2. From time to time, check if there’s is a date under the notify me button. Our system works somewhat automatically. In my example above, as soon as we get the info that the container is on the rail to us, we will set a date to estimate the in stock date (usually 7-10 days).
Previously we used to just use a general 6-8 week estimate as that really was how long it took by default for ocean shipments. However, as you can see that estimate has been way off and we have gotten many complaints. That’s why we took backorder off the table and made sure only to put in a date once we confirm that shipment is moving from the west coast.
Once you see a date, that means it should be in stock soon. Then I would suggest order as fast as you can once you get the in stock notification because depending on the item we might not have enough due to the shortage.
Hope that helps.
**ToyDemon** ( 10229 )

Quick update to this. So we just found out not only is the NPG container on the rail, it's actually already in Chicago! We had just asked about its location 2 days ago and was told it's still stuck in Long Beach....seems like someone didn't even bother to do their job to check....
We are hoping to get it today/tomorrow so we can stock it for the weekends. If not, for sure we will have it available next week. This shipment contains ZXY and all the goodies from NPG.
We are hoping to get it today/tomorrow so we can stock it for the weekends. If not, for sure we will have it available next week. This shipment contains ZXY and all the goodies from NPG.
Namenick ( 135 )

I've been using paloqueth from amazon, if a plug is allowed. It's good quality thickness compared to other amazon lubes. Otherwise basically water compared to the Pussy Love Juicy.
I've been using paloqueth from amazon, if a plug is allowed. It's good quality thickness compared to other amazon lubes. Otherwise basically water compared to the Pussy Love Juicy.
BogeyB ( 38 )

@cray Gun Oil has a water-based lube called "H2O" that I use. I think the H2O might have Aloe Vera in it, though, but they claim to be safe for toys, and I haven't had any problems after several months. They have another specifically meant for toys called, well, "Toy". The "Toy" one I think is just their gel lube rebranded since it has a lot less ingredients; I haven't used that because it's only in smaller quantity.
That being said, I wish I could answer your actual question, because I also have some things for which I've been slamming my forehead against a keyboard in the hopes that it'll help it go back in stock faster. For whatever reason, a lot of mail services seem to be doing worse now than they were during the peak of the Covid isolation.
While we're on the subject of lube, does anyone know of any lubes here on ToyDemon that have a stronger scent that's meant to be more 'pungent' than pleasant? Even if it's currently out of stock.
That being said, I wish I could answer your actual question, because I also have some things for which I've been slamming my forehead against a keyboard in the hopes that it'll help it go back in stock faster. For whatever reason, a lot of mail services seem to be doing worse now than they were during the peak of the Covid isolation.
While we're on the subject of lube, does anyone know of any lubes here on ToyDemon that have a stronger scent that's meant to be more 'pungent' than pleasant? Even if it's currently out of stock.