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  1. What toys have you got your eye on?

    Howdy y'all!

    I started a similar topic a few months ago, but I figured I'd ask again. What products are you excited about? What specifically have you loaded in the cart and are waiting to

  2. BSG General OnaHole Guide

    05/04/2024 1.0 Start
    05/06/2024 1.1 Fixed a few typos, reworded a few sentences, added more to history listing other toys that I bought before returning to the states, added new section “How I R

  3. Need some thoughts and opinions!

    Hello! I am planning on buying three onaholes, but I want to know more about them and hear some thoughts from others. Like what do you think about them and would you recommend it. The three i'm planning

  4. Real Body Yura Anekawa different versions?

    I was looking at the real body 3d torsos and see that all of them are dual layer and have colored nipples, except Yura. So I looked around and apparently there is a version of the Yura that's dual layer,

  5. I swear the sales are getting shorter and shorter.

    I get that Christmas was last weekend and no body is going to be working but damn. The sale didn't even last until Friday(pay day). I was hoping to finally be able to get a good deal on the plush dolls