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  1. USB Warmer or Hot Water?

    I'm thinking of picking up the USB Warmer, and although I've heard good things about it, I've also heard mixed things (heat doesn't last very long, it takes a while for it to start heating, etc.) and that

  2. "At local FedEx facility"

    I ordered a Full Swing as well as a USB warmer with 2 day shipping. However, the order tracker said "At local FedEx facility" in a different city than mine. It has not moved since early yesterday morning.

  3. Top Selling Onaholes of 2020 and 2011-2020

    It's end of the year already! The year 2020, despite all the up and downs, is coming to a close. We are blessed to get to keep doing what we do, and hopefully our products made your year slightly more