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  1. Puni Ana Miracle DX questions

    Hopefully sometime in the next 3ish months i'll be looking into getting the above mentioned torso, assuming she's in stock at that time. I had a cple questions to ask anybody here who has her already.

  2. Onaholes: Stroker or hands free?

    Idle curiosity: When using your onaholes do you prefer to use them as strokers (ie. have them essentially replace your hand where doing a standard fap laying or sitting down)

    or do you

  3. Onahole Stigma

    Wondering how everyone here feels about enjoying/owning onaholes and if you feel there's a stigma attached. If so, do you care?, How did you overcome it?

    It feels like it's almost accpeted/standard

  4. Onahole History?

    This is meant to be more of a discussion starter than a declarative post about Onahole history.

    I was idly thinking about what it must be like to work for one of these onahole companies.

  5. This is just a suggestion for Hip/doll/torso owners but I might be wrong

    Okay I always hear about people having trouble cleaning their bigger holes and Ive always figured it doesn't seem all that hard. Why don't you guys just use an enema, like it's literally made for the purpose