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  1. Is it possible to get a custom made? And questions on the current standard?

    Hi all!

    So several years ago I had a Meiki ZXY and I think a YJY, and Maria Ozawa. They were fun, but I moved a few times and they eventually got worn down and raggedy so I discarded them.

  2. Meiki lotion 250ml Replacement?

    The Meiki lotion was not picked up due to pricing and other issues.

    Has anyone found a good replacement?

    I liked Meiki because it was Not sticky.

  3. Help Me Pick My Next Toy (Poll)

    Two new powerhouses just dropped and I'm struggling to choose.

    Eiyo no Meiki Arina Hashimoto

    Kanjuku Meiki Beautiful Wife JULIA

  4. Looking for Hip Recommendations

    So after trying 7 or so different onaholes and the Meiki Plush Hip, I'd like to experience a hip that is more realistic(?) than using the Meiki Plush Hip. I'd like for it to be bouncy and allow me to hear

  5. New meiki Plush evo model

    I got a question : Will there be a rework of the Meiki Plush evo anytime soon? Or better do you consider a rework?
    Like a bit larger with thicker and bigger legs,feet and poseable knees?