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  1. 15 Years of ToyDemon and the New ToyDemon Website [LONG]

    First of all, we would like to apologize for the down time. Originally we had planned to have down time of max 3 to 4 days. However, Murphy's Law just freaking sucks! Things that were fixed on our development

    Did you actually finish reading the whole post?

  2. Valentines Sale?

    I tried to find info to avoid posting but I didn't see anything announced. Previous years offered mixed data as one year there appeared to have been one and others maybe not. Not a criticism just trying

  3. I swear the sales are getting shorter and shorter.

    I get that Christmas was last weekend and no body is going to be working but damn. The sale didn't even last until Friday(pay day). I was hoping to finally be able to get a good deal on the plush dolls

  4. Any Idea if Junjo Karen Nymphomania will be in stock anytime soon?

    looking to buy a torso, and wondering if this will be in stock anytime soon or if there will be any sales on the other Torsos from Macoss

  5. Plush dolls and onahole mounts in general.

    I'm curious is there any chance of a plush with smaller boobs or even more like pecs? A-One apparently made a male Venus doll but that was back in 2013 and I can only find one in the whole of the internet