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  1. Onahole History?

    This is meant to be more of a discussion starter than a declarative post about Onahole history.

    I was idly thinking about what it must be like to work for one of these onahole companies.

  2. Things to consider when choosing to buy a Sex Doll/Torso

    Hello all you perverts. It's me, ya boy, BadDragon69. Known as /u/Bad-Society on Reddit if you want to say what's up. I have spent thousands of dollars on sex toys. I've bought stuff from Fleshlight, Bad

  3. Now that there's a Puni Ana Kahanshin, do you think ExE will try it's hand at a full sex doll?

    After releasing the Puni Ana Miracle Dx and now the Kahanshin, does anyone else get the feeling that ExE moving towards releasing a full sex doll? I have a feeling that one of the next products from the