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  1. What's the Most Realistic Anal Onahole? + My Experiences

    What's the most realistic anal toy? I have not experienced the real deal and my current partner does not want to experience it (completely understandable). From the reddit posts I've browsed, there is

  2. Recommendations for best 400g or bigger onahole(s) for controllable stimulation (edging)

    In your opinion, what is the best you have ever tried that your able to edge without blowing your load or getting over sensitive. I don't want a fleshlight, tomax, or the smaller cheap ones (only exception

  3. Recommended Onahole for Meiki Plush Evo

    Hi All,

    I recently purchased an Evo and wanted to see which onahole others have been using. I have an older Fleshlight STU but the case doesn't fit well in the Evo (didn't really want to

  4. Scams, Fleshlights, sex dolls, and how I realized I should've just started here.

    This is mostly just me ranting, but with a few words of caution for anyone casually browsing this site.

    My History:
    Years ago I got a few fleshlights. I never liked them much, once

  5. Media Company Wanting To Work With ToyDemon -> New Larger Meiki Dolls + Different Colors ++++++

    Presenting the idea of a larger Meiki Doll with a bigger butt and chest. I run a media company(new) full time and would love to present this idea and see if we could gather enough of a following to bring