Website & Products
- What is the "Verified" check mark on a product review? A "Verified" check mark on the review means that the reviewer has purchased the product directly from ToyDemon. A "Verified" review brings more credibility as the reviewer has purchased and used the product.
- Will you send any ads or spam to my shipping or billing address? Other than your order, we will never send advertisements or marketing material to your shipping or billing address.
- Where can I get coupon codes? All available coupons are actually on our front page and in the top navigation under "Coupon". Be sure to sign up for our newsletter where we send updates on the newest sales.
- What kind of lotion do the products come with? If the item is marked “Lube Included”, it will come with a water-based lotion. Use only water-based lotion with products purchased from ToyDemon unless instructed otherwise by the manufacturer.
- What kind of lubricant should I use with my onacup or onahole? You should only use water-based lotion with toys purchased on ToyDemon. Silicone or oil based lubricants should not be used on any of our products as it can cause damage to the product.
- How do I unsubscribe from the ToyDemon Newsletter? Every newsletter has a unique unsubscribe link on the bottom. Clicking on the link will open our homepage with an unsubscribe confirmation on top of the page. If you are a registered customer, you can also unsubscribe from the newsletter by logging into your account. After logging in, from ...
- How do I subscribe to ToyDemon Newsletter? Please log in to your account or register for an account if you do not have one and there will be a checkbox under your account details for newsletter subscription. If you would like to sign up for newsletters without an account, please enter your email address at the bottom banner of the site.
- What is the currency of the prices on All currency shown on ToyDemon are in USD.