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  1. Confusion about Black Friday Sale

    The member perk for this month relates to access to the Black Friday sale.

    Does the TD Black Friday sale happen in October? Or is there effectively no member bonus for this month?

  2. is BTS sale still going on

    I just found out the sale ended 8/25. The sale was just very short (8/23 to 8/25). Sorry for the confusion.

  3. Is there something I can put on my onahole after use?

    I usually use cornstarch but I was wondering if there was a spray or specialized powder that's for sale I could use that's longer lasting so I don't have to reapply it every 1-2 uses.

  4. New Product Notification Feature Added

    As we continue to fix things, we are also continuing to add more features as well.

    We have just added a new Product Notifications feature:

  5. Tax Day sale over?

    Didn't see the the expiration date on the Tax Day sale code, but when I tried it it was invalid. Has it expired yet?