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  1. Looking for Hip Recommendations

    So after trying 7 or so different onaholes and the Meiki Plush Hip, I'd like to experience a hip that is more realistic(?) than using the Meiki Plush Hip. I'd like for it to be bouncy and allow me to hear

  2. New meiki Plush evo model

    I got a question : Will there be a rework of the Meiki Plush evo anytime soon? Or better do you consider a rework?
    Like a bit larger with thicker and bigger legs,feet and poseable knees?

  3. Recommended Onahole for Meiki Plush Evo

    Hi All,

    I recently purchased an Evo and wanted to see which onahole others have been using. I have an older Fleshlight STU but the case doesn't fit well in the Evo (didn't really want to

  4. New King of realistic!!!! - Shin Meiki no Syoumei 004 Fujimori Riho - IMHO its a 10/10

    I just wanted to share my personal feelings for anyone looking for realism the way I have been. Also the reviews currently don't reflect just how good this is if realism is your goal.

  5. Media Company Wanting To Work With ToyDemon -> New Larger Meiki Dolls + Different Colors ++++++

    Presenting the idea of a larger Meiki Doll with a bigger butt and chest. I run a media company(new) full time and would love to present this idea and see if we could gather enough of a following to bring