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  1. What's the coolest product you won't EVER buy?

    This question can be answered in a lot of ways, but it came to my head when I saw the Rise of the Dragon Silicone Cock Ring. It's a dragon. Cock ring. So sick, yet I don't think I will ever buy it.

  2. Is it possible to get a custom made? And questions on the current standard?

    Hi all!

    So several years ago I had a Meiki ZXY and I think a YJY, and Maria Ozawa. They were fun, but I moved a few times and they eventually got worn down and raggedy so I discarded them.

  3. Is there another magic eyes ona that has the same blend as Mochiyuki Shiko Hida?

    I fell in love with how soft and squishy Mochiyuki Shiko Hida is and after the disappointing experience of the standard lolinco I wondered if the premium soft version of the virgo used the same tpe blend

  4. Magic Eyes Lotion

    Anyone know of another brand with the same thickness as magic eyes hard lotion?

  5. New Product Poll #53 / Any interest?

    As more and more brands and products appear on the market, there are always going to be different interest levels from everyone and we'd like to get a good gauge on which products interest you the most.