There were a lot of research into Erectile Dis-function before the invention of the little pill called Viagra. Not much researched had gone into the quality of male fertility. With ED more or less solved, researcher have been doing a lot more studying of male fertility and the factors that affect it.
In a recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health, healthy young men who watched more than 20 hours of TV each week(almost 3 hours daily) had 44% lower sperm count than men who watched almost no TV. We would imagine the same to be true of videos games or even internet surfing in general. Research also found that Men who exercised moderately to vigorously for 15 or more hours a week (a little more than 2 hours a day) had a 73% higher sperm count than those with no exercise or light exercise. So TV lowers and exercise raise sperm count, what happens if you watch a lot of TV and exercise vigorously? Data seems to suggest that they just cancels each other out.
This study was done with a smaller set of participants and further data will need to be collected to be sure. Scientist aren't sure yet whether watching TV itself is to blame or sitting like a couch potato raise the testicular temperature resulting in the lower sperm count.
more info can be found on Mail Online