Save Scenic Spots: Write On Me
If you lived or traveled to any Asian locations in recent times, you'll notice the vast number of tourists from mainland China. A small portion of these tourist have left their mark in a negative way by defacing some of the most famous locations around the world. Recently a Chinese tourist in Egypt noticed someone from China had defaced the hieroglyphic on the wall of the temple. Posting a picture of this led to an internet man hunt that actually found the culprit responsible for it. The 15 year old kid's parent had to publicly apologize for the son's bad behavior overseas. Some of these tourist's bad behavior have caught enough international attention that even higher ranked Chinese officials have commented on them. Of course not everyone in China is as ill-mannered, and this has led to some anti-graffiti movement in China. Recently at a tourist spot in China, four ladies held up a sign asking tourist to write their fill of graffiti on their body instead. Ladies invite tourist to write on them Tourist writing his name on ladies' body Man, we wished we were there. A nice big ToyDemon logo would look nice on those white thighs. pictures via China News