"Iron Crotch" Martial Arts Exists!
*Warning the video may contain material that can offend some viewers. View at your own discretion. Do not attempt anything you see or read in this post. For your entertainment only, not intended for diagnosing or curing of any medical condition. We had to do the disclaimer first before anyone hurts themselves doing anything they see/read in this post. While bouncing through documentary videos, we found this video about Iron Crotch/Iron Penis Martial Arts. With a topic like that, we had to watch it. From the video and site of the person on the video, it states that there's a way to have genital of iron while preventing sexual dysfunctional disorder. Grandmaster Tu who currently resides in California is teaching his students the ancient practice of "Qi Gong". Qi Gong is the art of focusing of your life energy and in this case for use in strengthening or protecting your body.Qi Gong is suppose to have allow all the practitioners in the video to do all the amazing feats. One application of Qi Gong that Grandmaster Tu teaches is called Iron Crotch. Practitioners of this art can lift hundreds of pounds with their genitals. They also claim that "It can dramatically enhance your potency and help with sexual response dysfunction or lack of interest in sex.". Yes.. you read all that correctly. They state that "Iron Crotch practice involves training the lower abdominal region and the male genitalia." You may ask how this is actually done? Well their page doesn't give out their secret but the video documentary shows how it is done. The training procedure looks  to be very simple. Tie one end of a silk rope around your genital and the other to some weights and start swinging the weight back and forth between your legs. Again we have to warn you to not try it at home under any circumstances. This slowly strengthen the area and the weight increases with further practice. Don't take their word for it, check out the video for yourself. If you are male, don't say we didn't warn you, your genital may hurt just looking at this video. We do wonder though, does that mean athletes can be "trained" to not wear any cup? Information via Master Tu's Iron Crotch