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  1. Softness rating on onaholes

    First post here and I have a question on softness vs hardness rating on onaholes. First question is there a comprehensive list of hard vs soft onaholes? Most of my onaholes are NPG brand onaholes. Extreme

  2. New Product Poll #53 / Any interest?

    As more and more brands and products appear on the market, there are always going to be different interest levels from everyone and we'd like to get a good gauge on which products interest you the most.

  3. My first onahole recommendations


    I just found this site, and I’m looking for the most realistic vaginal onahole brand and model. I’ve read on other sites that Magic Eyes is the most realistic, but they don’t seem very

  4. Magic Eyes' Hard edition holes

    I see on the site that there's a pretty good selection coming from Magic Eyes. I would definitely love to see the other hard editions come to Toy Demon, Like the Gokusai Uterus X (hard version of Gokusai

  5. New Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo Premium

    I noticed that the Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo Premium Hard was on sale but not the Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo Premium Soft. Are there any plans to bring this version of the ona to the site as well?