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  1. Looking for Hip Recommendations

    So after trying 7 or so different onaholes and the Meiki Plush Hip, I'd like to experience a hip that is more realistic(?) than using the Meiki Plush Hip. I'd like for it to be bouncy and allow me to hear

  2. New meiki Plush evo model

    I got a question : Will there be a rework of the Meiki Plush evo anytime soon? Or better do you consider a rework?
    Like a bit larger with thicker and bigger legs,feet and poseable knees?

  3. Recommended Onahole for Meiki Plush Evo

    Hi All,

    I recently purchased an Evo and wanted to see which onahole others have been using. I have an older Fleshlight STU but the case doesn't fit well in the Evo (didn't really want to

  4. Meiki Plush Evo Storage

    For those of you who own the Meiki Plush Evo, how do you store and hide it? I am hoping to hide my doll in a large duffle bag. It would be great and less suspicious if the doll can easily fit inside without

  5. Is there a thread regarding Meiki Plush Doll compatability?

    I couldn't find anything, but is there a list of which onaholes work and don't work with the Meiki® Plush Doll (besides tomax, meiki, toysheart)? Would Lolinco Virgo fit or is that pushing the size limits?