Ancient Mushroom or Masturbator UPDATE AGAIN NSFW (Making Masturbator Soup)
Okay this is getting a little out of hand. Masturbator "Mushroom" is getting viral and the silliness have gone beyond selling these masturbator on the street. This video is a lady teaching you how to cook "Mushroom" soup...... (ToyDemon DO NOT recommend eating any masturbator) Here's the basic translation: Caption on screen: "This video is for all the Euro Cup fans and Chinese soccer fan" She starts: During the Euro Cup, I believe a lot of fans are like me staying up really late to watch the games. Staying up late is actually bad for your body. We can not overlook our health, so I am introducing a great soup for everyone. "Meat Mushroom from the tongue's tip". The main ingredient is one Meat Mushroom. I am going to introduce this Meat Mushroom to everyone. It's the recently gone viral and often mentioned nutrient-rich ingredient. Let me show the shape to everyone. When everyone is cooking this, cut it in the middle like me. Very springy. Afterward place it in a pot of water. If you have a ceramic pot at home, it'll even be better. The Meat Mushroom before cooking has to be soaked in water for 24 hours. This way will increase its nutritious value maximizing it. Achieving a strong body is a great result from the Mushroom's nutritional value. An average family may not be able to afford this dish. The market price is a bit expensive. Normally about $3000 USD. Onion sections, anise, garlic, all in little quantities are added to the pot before it boils. You have to be careful not to burn your hand. Here I will give everyone a helping hint. The common problem for this dish is putting in too many other ingredients. The Meat Mushroom has enough fresh flavors on its own and it is full of nutrition. If you add too many other ingredients, it will actually hurt the flavor of the Meat Mushroom. Okay now the water is boiling. This dish needs ten mins on high heat then turn to low heat and simmer for no less than forty minutes. Caption: 40 minutes later Forty minutes have passed now. This "Meat Mushroom from the tongue's tip" is basically finish. As everyone can see, the Meat Mushroom has gone from its starting flesh color to more reddish. The soup base has also change from clear to this nutritious, rich flavored, attractive great soup. Everyone can add their desired amount of salt and other spices. Okay, serving time. Let's take a smell. umm.... smell great. Everyone should try making it and enjoying the delicious taste. Euro Cup special gift "Meat Mushroom from the tongue's tip" to all fans and the Chinese soccer team. Can't believe someone actually made this video. Should have edit in a tasting to be more effective. "The market price is a bit expensive." obviously she hasn't been to ToyDemon where you can have your fill of Meat Mushroom for $30.