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  1. Super Flash Sale

    The current flash sale is the best I can remember. There are a large number of items available and enough variety that there should be something to everyone. Some of them are underrated and/or have few

  2. Pre order the out of stock items

    I notice that sometimes when the offer comes the items on my wish list are out of stock.
    For example, I would like to have Meiki no Syoumei 05 Zhang Xiao Yu and Extreme Pleasure Hip Mini 2 Rika

  3. July 4th Sale? My dang points won't wait!

    I've got some point expiring before then so trying to decide if it's worth waiting (and losing them) or not. Would be awesome if a discount code was active!

  4. No June Perks? No Memorial Day Sale?

    I was planning to make a purchase but, I see sudden price increase. Turns out May member discount perks ended.

    I see toydemon had perks every month, but how come there's none in June?

  5. Meiki ZXY is on sale but I have one question. Is it noisy ?

    1. Is it noisy and does it hold lubricant well? There are times when im not always alone ;(

    I've tried searching through blog posts and reviews and no one or not many mention noise factor.