Google Images: Bias or Extremely Correct?
An interesting thing about google images when you search people based on continents. There are the "European", maps and EU flags. Makes sense.

"American" is full of USA flags and an alligator which is probably American also.

"African" is also full of cool images and a penguin.(do they have penguins in Africa?)

Then there is "Asian". Well we cut it at four lines or else we'll have to censor everything. There's no picture of a map or anything. It's like 90-95% porn or porn related. It's not until page 25 do you see Jeremy Lin. What's up with that?

Google's web search on "Asian" is very boring and normal which make it more weird that google images seems to think that porn is more relevant for the term Asian. Turning safe search on only took away the pictures with full nudity, still no maps or anything. idea via Geek in Heel's Facebook Photos P.S.Another interesting thing came up as we type this post, the spell checker marked non capitalize asian, european, african wrong but lower case american is correct? Anyone know why?