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  1. TD Offers Threshold

    I was wondering if the threshold for the order total (for example, the Tenga offer) applies to your order before or after you redeem rewards points? So if I don't actually spend the threshold amount due

  2. How to know when a product is Out of Stock permanently

    Theres a lot of Onaholes that I have my eye on, but one common thing is there are many that are very low stock or completely out of stock. Is there a way to tell whether a specific product is expected

  3. Best Gets So Far?

    Black Friday Sale is underway and it seems pretty extensive!

    I was conservative and grabbed one of the ZXY doorbusters and Puni Fuwa Mafia Extreme Soft Dual Layer. Wanted to grab a few things

    Are you happy with this years BF sale?

  4. More Effective Way to See Upvotes?

    I get that the current heart system is loosely based on reddit's upvote system, but with site incentives like reward points heavily based on them I'm not sure I get the lack of transparency. Anyone else

  5. Confusion Around the point earning system

    Hello I was just a little confused by the point system and wondering if anyone could help clarify. My issue is specifically with the Community Achievement Rewards. I was wondering are the tier rewards