Does anyone know when/if the Kobukuro Uterus by Hotpower will restock? I haven't heard any update from hotpowers in over a month and it seems usual that they wouldn't restock such a popular product.
**ToyDemon** ( 10187 )

@Peeks The onahole has been discontinued by HotPowers. It sold fairly well for us and we asked if we could order more but they had informed us that they had other projects and currently have no plans to make more of the Kobkuro Uterus. If anything changes, we will definitely try to get more.
@jonarby The product cannot be found in the categories or by search because it had been discontinued. We were told by many of you that they don't like to search and browse and end up seeing a bunch of products that are already discontinued so we removed them from the categories and search. However, you are still able to see the products at the sitemap link at the bottom of the page.
*Pro Tip: If you know the name of the product you're looking for, sometimes going through the sitemap is quicker. There will be at times where product names might be different based on translation from 1 site to another so be mindful of that.
@jonarby The product cannot be found in the categories or by search because it had been discontinued. We were told by many of you that they don't like to search and browse and end up seeing a bunch of products that are already discontinued so we removed them from the categories and search. However, you are still able to see the products at the sitemap link at the bottom of the page.
*Pro Tip: If you know the name of the product you're looking for, sometimes going through the sitemap is quicker. There will be at times where product names might be different based on translation from 1 site to another so be mindful of that.
Jonarby ( 592 )

@Peeks Usually out of stock items will have an "In stock by" date below the "sold out/notify me" button and right above the "Wishlist" and "Compare" buttons. Discontinued Items will not have this date as they wont be restocked. Items that have recently sold out may also lack this date simply because TD hasn't added the date in yet, but usually it's added within a day of selling out.
I cannot find the ToyDemon product page of this Item otherwise I'd check the "in stock by" date for you. If you can locate the Item page than the "in stock by" date shouldn't be hard to find.
I cannot find the ToyDemon product page of this Item otherwise I'd check the "in stock by" date for you. If you can locate the Item page than the "in stock by" date shouldn't be hard to find.
winkyblink ( 687 )

@Peeks This one got a lot of raves, probably more than it did in complaints; I can't imagine why they wouldn't go back to the drawing board and try to make some improvements on it. But that could be the bigger challenge for HotPowers: when it comes to onaholes they don't seem to bother in making enough radical changes to improve, judging from the amount of complaints I see about them on the web.