
Any important site issues, product delays, shipping mishaps and etc. will all be announced here. Please check here from time to time.


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  1. Issues with review submission

    We have been notified of an issue with our review system. If you have submitted any reviews in the past few days, please check your account to see if there's any reviews pending approval. If not that means

  2. **PSA** Clear your browser cookies of ToyDemon and disable any Adblock

    As we noticed from a lot of comments from you guys, somethings are buggy when you're using our new site.

    Please make sure to clear your browser cookies of if you have not already

  3. Tomax restock later today (04-08-2022)

    Just a heads up to everyone. We have received part of our Tomax order that was placed mid last year.

    Not all Tomax items will be back in stock and are some are still in very limited quantities.

  4. Make up day for our Black Friday sale on 11/4/2021

    Hi guys on Friday night we experienced some international shipping issues which caused international shipping to be unavailable during our early Back Friday sale over the weekend.

    We have

  5. Did a bit of spring cleaning

    Sorry about the website being in extended maintenance without advance notice. We decided it was a perfect day to go through and check all of our inventory in our warehouse which was a bit overdue. Found