Love Makes People Do Crazy Things
Love make us do some crazy things. Some people are just way crazier than the rest of us. The following news comes straight out of China: Recently a college student was arrested and "re-educated" after giving a female school mate a fake face wash... The victim received the  face wash as a gift and used it that night. She was a bit surprised when the thick face wash would not lather up and had a strange smell to it. Confused, she asked her roommates about this face wash and one of her "experienced" roommate informed her that the liquid is in fact male semen. The now extremely angry victim called her parents and they decided to call the police, who promptly arrested the guy. The guy admitted about the special face wash but insist he meant no ill will towards the victim. This was his way of showing her how his feelings for her is so deep that no action can do it justice. "I only hope that when she use this face wash, she would know the dedication of this man to her.", he said. (If the bottle was indeed full, that is some dedication) Since the fake wash inflicted only mental stress and not physical harm, police decided to mediate a non-criminal outcome between the two. The victim in the end wanted 1746 yuan (about $280 USD) to recover mentally from this ordeal which the guy agreed to. After the police's education, the guy understands his mistake. "From now on, I will use a more mature way to express my feelings toward her.", he said still showing his intent to continue wooing the victim. The guy has since continue his study at the university. news translated from Chinese at Sina Bukkake is only fun when everyone's in the know. It's nice to know that it only cost $280 for her to heal this mental wound. Wonder if he's having any luck with her now.