G-Spot: Scientist Spend 60 Years and Still Can't Find It
The elusive G-Spot. A search online shows tons of places telling you where it is but none can claim to truly know where it is. If you've been searching for this magical key to female orgasm and couldn't find it, don't feel bad and read on. Scientist has spend the last 60 years using the latest technology searching for it. They now concluded their research saying it doesn't exist. Their review published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine on Jan. 12 The review is not "1,000 percent conclusive". The leading researcher Dr. Amichai Kilchevsky said also stating that future scientist could prove this wrong but they'll need new technology to do it. Surveys conducted from the study concluded that a majority of women believe a G-Spot actually exists, but some of those women also say they can't locate it adding to the difficult of the study. It's important to note that this research is stating that a definite "Spot" that acts as a key to orgasm doesn't exist but rather it should be looked at as more a G-area, or G-region. The article posted on Livescience has more information and background and is definitely a good read. Now if anyone gives you grief about not finding it, you have science on your side. information via Livescience